The CEO of LLC
“Civil Aviation Pilot Plant #31”
Igor Provkin

From “ARM-31 Workshops” to “Civil Aviation Pilot Plant #31”
2023 is very important for Civil Aviation Pilot Plant #31 - the facility will mark its 70th anniversary!
an import substitution project for specialized airfield equipment
It’s not the time to stop:
The family and childhood
Igor Yurevich Proshkin was born on February 17, 1967, in Omsk. His father is an oiler, and his mother is a school teacher. A few years after the birth of a son, the family moved from Omsk to Surgut. The childhood of Igor Yurevich was strongly connected with this Siberian city. His future professional interests and the desire to pursue a career in the aviation industry formed here.
Igor Provkin graduated from the State Academy of Oil and Gas (currently Gubkin Russian State University). In 2001, he defended his Ph.D thesis at the “Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship”
Igor Yurevich Provkin - a senator, banker, and successful entrepreneur.

2001 — Igor Provkin was appointed to the position of representative of the Republic of Kalmykia in the Federation Council. The senator’s work involves taxes, customs control, and budget distribution.
2004 — Appointment to the position of member of the Federation Council Committee for interaction with the Accounts Chamber of Russia.
2006 — Appointment to the position of President of the “Russian Banking House” bank.
2012 — Igor Yurevich Provkin, a banker, joined the board of directors of a number of financial organizations.
2020 — Igor Provkin becomes the CEO of LLC “Civil Aviation Pilot Plant #31”.
As of today, we are a modern facility with innovative solutions for modernizing airports and ensuring their productive operation. The machinery produced by the plant is present in all airports of the Russian Federation and countries of the CIS
says Provkin
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